Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hourly Newscast sopa pipa - Google News

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CISPA may cause more trouble than it's worth - Sonoma State Star
Apr 17th 2012, 02:25

CBS News

CISPA may cause more trouble than it's worth
Sonoma State Star
By Nick Ellner Bills like SOPA, PIPA and CISPA aim to combat online piracy, but at what cost? Opponents of the bill maintain that they are too vague and may lead to the government spying on citizens. At the beginning of the semester, I discussed the ...
Internet and civil liberties groups coalesce to oppose CISPAInquirer
House Leaders Try to Salvage Cybersecurity Bill By Watering It Down SlightlyFiredoglake
Why CISPA sucks and what you can do about
Gaming Bus -Business Insider -The Hill (blog)
all 210 news articles »

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